Ketika saya sudah mau bangkit lagi dan mulai mau DIET lagi, dan lagi ada saja yang meneriakkan kata-kata itu padaku. Hey, tolong respeklah sedikit, walaupun itu nggak ada pengaruh-ngaruhnya sama hidupmu tapi tolong leave me breathe freely. Tanpa merasa bersalah, tanpa merasa sudah overweight, tanpa merasa kecil, tak berdaya dan perasaan negatif lainnya.
Pengen turun beberapa kilo demi baju-baju dilemari yang sayang untuk dikasih sama orang. Tapi selalu terpengaruh sama pendapat orang. i know im the one decide the thing about me. But sometimes they just annoy you and lead you into their trap. And im turn into 'FATTING GIRL Look-alike'. And they make me looks like that.
I try again, and again, they call me 'FAT' and i give up. Then i try again, and hope this time i will do the best. Still long way to go, and i should practice more and more to controlling my eating habit. People around me could annoy me, but if i do it with BELIEVES and DISCIPLINE, why would i cant? I was skinny, and it happen because im DIET with Hardworking, Patience, DIscipline, and Believes. I know i can do it. Believe me this time, Okay :)
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