Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Taeyang went on a blind date with Yuri

Pas lagi ngais-ngais di SONEms, saya nemu tulisan ini. Kemungkinan yang lain udah pada tahu, tapi adapun yang belum tahu, saya postingin yang versi englishnya, tanpa di translate. Biar kerasa originalnya.

Although Big Bang’s Taeyang made have never had a girlfriend before, he certainly has gone on a date with a beautiful woman! On the latest episode of SBS ‘Strong Heart,’ which will be broadcast to the public on the 20th, the boy who needs a girl confessed to have gone on a blind date with SNSD’s Yuri.

Fellow Big Bang member Seungri who also attended the recording initiated the conversation, saying, “It seems like Taeyang wants a girlfriend. He didn’t tell any of [his fellow Big Bang] members and went to SNSD’s concert by himself.” Taeyang then honestly explained what happened: “While I was making my album, I wasn’t able to go out and put my all into working [so I attended the concert instead.] I must have looked really tired as a friend told me, ‘[Yuri] has a good personality, and I think it’d be good if you guys [became] friends,’ and set up the blind date.”

Continuing on with the story, Taeyang spoke of the actual date and said, “When I arrived at the meeting point, SNSD’s Yuri was there. We still contact each other and are close friends,” which surprised many listeners in the studio. He also added that if he “was actually dating Yuri, [he] would not be able to reveal [their] relationship,” which must have relieved the hearts of many listening fangirls. “I hope others just see as good colleagues,” he added.

The story then took on a more interesting turn, as he expressed his worries of having the maknae of Big Bang discover his relationship with Yuri. “After seeing Seungri become close with Yuri, [since] they are classmates, I got a bit worried that he would find out about our relationship,” he confessed.


Martabak Manis

Pagi-pagi baru bangun. Langung posting ahh, enaknya yang yammii-yamii yang diposting. Haha.
Aku lagi demen banget sama ni makanan satu ini. Dimana-mana dia ada. Macam-macam rasanya dan termasuk golongan vendor street. Apalagi sekarang tersedia dalam ukuran mininya. Pas dikantong sekalian mengenyangkan.Yang nebak martabak, anda dapat 100 dari saya. Dan biar nggak capek-capek beli, mending bikin sendiri, sekalian bisa berkreasi sesuka hati. Ini dia :

  • Bahan :
350 gr tepung terigu
75 gr gula pasir
3 butir telur, dikocok sebentar
500 ml susu
5 gr ragi instan
1/2 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt garam
  • Cara Membuat
- Campur tepung terigu, gula, ragi, baking powder dan garam
- Masukkan telur, aduk rata. Tambahkan susu hangat, aduk rata. Aduk kembali, dan tutup dengan lap. Diamkan adonan ini hingga mengembang, kira-kira dua jam-an.
- Masukkan dalam wajan anti lengket dengan api sedang> Kalo udah lobang-lobang, baru ditutup. Abis itu baru deh taruh toppingnya sesuai selera, bisa meises, kacang, keju, pisang atau terserahlah, sesuka anda sajalah.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011


Anyeongg. :)
Setelah sekian lama gag posting kangen juga nulis disini. Oiia, lantaran nonton Oh My School yang star guestnya Yuri SNSD, aku jadi kepincut sama puisi yang mereka jadiin kuis itu loh. Yang Park Myungsoo ngasih tebakan lanjutan puisinya. Dalem banget, plus merinding. Yah, tentang orang yang udah siap di'panggil'.


I’m going back to the heaven when the sunrises

I will hold dew in my hands and return to the heavens

I’m going back to the heavens

When my excursion to this world is over

I will go and say it was beautiful

We will play together as the sun sets and point at the clouds

I’m going back to the heavens

When my excursion to this world is over

Melihat isinya saja, rasanya ni orang yang mau dipanggil ini tenang banget ya....